Friday, 13 April 2018

Secure In God


Seeing the crowds, Jesus went up to a raised place where he sat, his disciples gathered around him, and addressed them, teaching:

“Spiritual rejects are secure in God because the kingdom of the heavens is already theirs.
Those devastated by loss are secure in God because they will receive comfort.
The oppressed landless poor are secure in God because they will inherit the land.
Those starved of justice are secure in God because they will be fully satisfied.
Those who compassionately forgive are secure in God because they will be compassionately forgiven.
The clean of heart are secure in God because he is the one they will see.
Those who restore shalom are secure in God because they will be called his children.
Those persecuted for following God’s way are secure in him because the kingdom of the heavens is already theirs.”